Monday, June 25, 2007

It's all about image

This post, although important, is more about getting a picture of me onto my blog. Comments still welcome...


BROdeo said...
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BROdeo said...

I believe that for most people the washing of feet does not really apply to their lives. However, many homeless people do not ever get the chance to take off their shoes and air out their feet. I had some friends in Oakland who were helping to run a ministry for homeless people in which basically they spent time washing and caring for people's feet. It is an extraordinarily humbling thing to wash the feet of someone who we more often brush by hoping they don't extend a hand for change. Maybe that's why Jesus did it.

BROdeo said...

Oh yeah I posted this in the wrong place. It was meant to go by the foot washing blog. Dang computers. And I'm supposed to be an IT major?!? TC I like the beard. You're hot.

Zach said...

I want some posts! Appreciate you bro!